World Cup scams, trustworthy Twitter & other IT security news

Now that the FIFA World Cup is well and truly underway, something that a shell-shocked Spanish team would…

Simplocker – Android Ransomware Alert!

Last year, we came across a malware named Android Defender. This malware, once inside the victim’s phone, locks…

4 dangerous apps for teens that parents should know about

When it comes to safeguarding kids and teenagers online, many parents are already pretty clued up. They stay…

Android Ransomware, Risky World Cup Searches and other IT Security News

Last week witnessed a gruesome act of attempted murder on a 12-year-old because of a misinterpreted fictional character…

Gruesome stabbing of 12-year old reminds us about Child Internet Safety

If ever there was any doubt about whether parents need to keep an eye on their kid’s online…

Enterprise Security: Mobile ad libraries pose new security threats

A new threat to enterprise security that many organizations neglect and fail to address effectively is that of…

How to Block Pop-up Ads

In a couple of our blog posts, many readers have posted a query on how they can block…

Fake HeartBleed Bug Remover Tool, Fake WeChat and Other IT Security News

In our last issue of IT security news and updates, we covered the massive hack that hit eBay….

FIFA World Cup 2014: Watch out for Malware Attacks and Scams!

Around the world, while billions of fans are anticipating the biggest sporting event in the world, malware artists…

The rise of WhatsApp Plus and should you install it?

The other day we received a rather interesting notification from one of our users about a service called…