
QBOT – A HTML Smuggling technique to target victims

QBot, also known as Qakbot, QuackBot, and Pinkslipbot, is a Banking Trojan that was first observed in 2007….

Beware: SOVA Android Banking Trojan emerges more powerful with new capabilities

  SOVA is an Android banking Trojan with significant capabilities like credential theft, capturing keystrokes, taking screenshots, etc.,…

Auto-launching HiddAd on Google Play Store found in more than 6 million downloads

HiddenAd or HiddAd are icon-hiding adware applications. The prime motive of HiddAd is to generate revenue through aggressive…


Beware – Banking Trojans Using Enhanced Techniques to Spread Malware.

In our Open-Source Threat Hunting, Quick Heal Security Researchers encountered a banking Trojan named Aberebot capable of stealing…

Banking Trojans

Caution! Beware of the Fake WhatsApp Mother’s Day Scam.

Getting text messages from random numbers is disturbing. But spam messages aren’t just annoying; they can also be…

WhatsApp Mother's Day Scam

Worried about your mobile security? Here’s how to secure your device and enhance performance

While the world is still adapting to the new normal and mobile devices replace PCs as the primary…

secure your mobile device

Stay Alert of Facebook Credential Stealer Applications Stealing User’s Credentials.

Social media credentials are always a lucrative thing for threat actors. They use various techniques to get them….

facebook credentials

Don’t let your kids’ online classes be disrupted by cyberattacks!

2020 will be remembered for a lot of sweeping changes and online classes are definitely on top of…

Beware of cyberattacks happening through online classes!

Android application found on Google Play Store carrying Windows malware!

Recently, Quick Heal Security Labs found an Android application present on the Google Play Store which was infected…

Android application found on Google Play Store carrying Windows malware!

Fake Coronavirus tracking app exploiting our fear and vulnerable social situation

As the Coronavirus spreads across countries creating fear across the globe, everybody wants to stay on top of…