How do Facebook ‘Like’ scams reach thousands of users?

If you look, you will find countless Facebook pages that have hundreds of thousands of likes and comments….

Latest news updates from the last week

Facebook offers new privacy setting indicators for new users In a move that suggests Facebook has begun to…

Breaking down a fraudulent RBI email

I just received a scam email in my gmail inbox that pretends to be from the RBI. The…

Fake Payment Confirmation’ scam emails

A series of new spam emails that target computer users and attempt to infect them with a variant…

Hurricane Sandy could lead to a malicious storm in cyberspace

Hurricane Sandy is one of the biggest storms to ever hit the East coast of the United States…

Scammers steal credit card details in ways you never thought of

Cyber criminals and malicious scammers are constantly at work to devise new ways to steal confidential user data….

Latest security updates from the last week

Government plans for 5 lakh cyber warriors for e-defense Having recognized the need for defense against extensive cyber…

Vulnerable Wi-Fi routers lead to attacks and fake websites

It was recently discovered that millions of ADSL routers were hacked in Brazil to create a large botnet…

Beware of Fake Complaint Emails from BBB

Another email scam that uses the name and logo of the Better Business Bureau (BBB) has continued to…

The FBI’s IC3 releases a public warning about the growing threat of mobile malware

It is a known fact that malware threats over smartphones, especially on Android, are on the rise and…