Search Results for (facebook)

Stay Alert of Facebook Credential Stealer Applications Stealing User’s Credentials.

Social media credentials are always a lucrative thing for threat actors. They use various techniques to get them….

facebook credentials

How can my Facebook account be misused if hacked?

At a time when most of us are living in a virtual world, where we are connected to…

50 Million Facebook Accounts Hacked – Time to act before it’s too late!

The afternoon of September 28th 2018 brought in a wave of shock for 50 million Facebook users, when…

Security alert! Beware of the Facebook Messenger malware

A new malware has come to notice and it uses Facebook Messenger to spread from one user to…

Facebook messenger malware

Hrithik Roshan’s Facebook Account Hacked! 5 Tips to secure your Facebook Account

The Facebook account of the Mohenjo Daro actor Hrithik Roshan was briefly hacked on Monday evening. Seemed like…

WhatsApp to share your phone number with Facebook. Here’s how you can prevent this

The privacy policy of WhatsApp has undergone some change as of 25th August 2016. And here are 10…

Facebook Video Scam Alert! “Nobody can watch this video for more than 15 seconds”

Although pretty old, this Facebook video scam has again started gaining momentum on Facebook. This post explains what…

Facebook Basics: How to Easily Avoid Phishing Scams

Phishing attacks over Facebook and other social media channels are not uncommon. In fact, it is very likely…

Facebook Help Centre

TRAI Hands Out Landmark Blow to Facebook Free Basics

In a landmark ruling, TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) has come out in favor of net neutrality…

Do not take that IQ Test on Facebook. It’s a Scam!

The beginning of a year gives us a reason to do better than what we have been doing…