Can You Outsmart Cybercriminals? Stay One Step Ahead with a Powerful Antivirus Solution!

how to outsmart cybercriminals?

Let’s face it: the digital landscape is a treacherous realm. Cyber attackers keep hunting for vulnerabilities, finding ways to breach your digital defenses.
You must have heard about Aadhar/PAN card fraud, data leaks, money stolen from accounts, and whatnot. You might have even heard your parents complaining about Facebook fraud and fake calls. But you don’t want that to happen to you, right?
So, how can you stay safe in this risky world full of digital attacks?
This article will introduce you to the types of cybercrimes and how you can prevent them.

What Exactly are Cyber Attacks or Cybercrimes?

Cybercrime or cyber security attacks are malicious attempts to gain unauthorized access to an organization’s or individual’s network, device, or data.
Cybercriminals can be hackers, criminals, digital adversaries, or competing organizations. They want to acquire valuable, sensitive data like payment information, documents, etc., to affect your finances, reputation, and business operations.

Let’s look at some of the different types of cybercrimes:

  • Ransomware: The hacker can hold the victim’s system or data hostage until they pay them a ransom. Do you know what’s the ransomware incident ratio in India in 2023? It’s 1 in every 650 detections.
  • Phishing: Phishing is an email scam where an attacker sends an email that looks genuine but is malicious. It contains a link pointing to a website and tricks you into downloading viruses, trojan horses, or malware.
  • Identify Theft: An attacker steals the identity of a user and accesses a system or device. These are difficult to detect and can be brute force attacks, credential stealing, Man-in-the-Middle (MITM), etc.
  • Social Media Fraud: Attackers steal identities to look like a genuine person and ask for money. They may target malicious links, quizzes, rewards, etc. Avoid interacting with them at all costs.
  • Cyberstalking: It’s a criminal offense where a spammer can threaten, scare, or harass you through relentless stalking or abuse on email or social media.

Recently, a small business reported a ransomware incident. The attacker could have encrypted sensitive data to halt its operations in exchange for hefty money. Thankfully, the business had Quick Heal Total Security Downloaded to its systems. The software detected and blocked the ransomware before attackers could encrypt the data.

How Cybercrime Works? How Cyber Attackers Access Your Devices and Networks for a

Cybercriminals use various tactics to access your devices and networks, from malware-laden emails to fake social media accounts. So, you need to understand these risks to be able to safeguard your digital security from any cybercrime.

  • Malicious Emails: Attackers may send emails or messages with links containing malware, viruses, or trojan horses. When you click on the link, your device will catch the malware. In 2023, around ⦁ 111.19 million trojan⦁ s were detected.
  • Unsecured Local Wi-Fi: Using Wi-Fi with outdated firmware or weak passwords becomes vulnerable, something that hackers diligently look for. They will hack the Wi-Fi along with devices connected to it.
  • Fake Social Media Accounts: Hackers may steal photos and personal information to create fake accounts on social media like Facebook and Instagram. They may look like your friend or relative and ask you to click a link or share photographs.
  • USB/Local Charging Systems: USB and removable media can have viruses. When you use them to charge your device, you may end up downloading viruses.
  • Security Flaws: Third-party applications, such as free security tools, may be vulnerable to cyber-attacks. When you use them, your device can catch viruses and compromise the device.
  • Fake Tech Support: Scammers may contact you saying your computer has caught a virus and needs fixing immediately. On calling them, they will ask for computer access and gain control instead of fixing it.

How to Spot a Cybercrime?

If you want digital protection, recognize the signs of cybercrime.

  • Did you notice any unusual system performance like frequent lags, slowdowns, overheating, etc? Monitor user activities and access permissions.
  • Is there any abrupt increase or decrease in network traffic? Analyze network logs.
  • Is there any account anomaly? Review all user accounts and permissions.
  • Did you receive a message with a sign-in attempt you haven’t made? Change your password immediately.
  • Did a scary message just land on your email, like “your computer has a virus”? The chances are your computer is compromised.

A few months ago, a Zero-day exploit could have targeted millions of users of a widely used app, stealing data and compromising systems. Quick Heal’s behavioral detection system thoroughly monitored and blocked the zero-day exploit, preserving data privacy.

Benefits of Quick Heal Antivirus Software

Quick Heal Total Security is an advanced antivirus software that keeps your online data secure and private from dynamic cybercrime threats. You will get robust, award-winning features to detect and block malware and viruses without any drops in device performance.
The best thing is anyone can easily use this antivirus software without any hustle. Whether you are a home user or a tech-savvy professional, Quick Heal Total Security is for you.

Features of Quick Heal Total Security Antivirus

Security Features:

  1. Vulnerabilities and malware scanning with best fixes.
  2. Browsing protection by blocking risky websites.
  3. Multi-layer ransomware protection in real-time.
  4. Online banking and shopping security.
  5. Blocks malware to protect external drives.
  6. Firewall protection to secure your network.
  7. Consumes fewer system resources while scanning.

Privacy Features:

  1. Data breach alerts.
  2. Recommendations on data security.
  3. Anti-tracker to safeguard digital footprints.
  4. Regular scans to protect your Wi-Fi.
  5. Blocks inappropriate apps or sites for the safety of kids.
  6. Restricts unauthorized USBs to prevent data theft.

Performance Features:

  1. A performance booster to improve your computer’s performance.
  2. A game booster for faster gameplay on your computer minus interruptions.
  3. A track cleaner to clean document and file tracks.

Wrapping Up

Cybercrime-related threats are evolving, challenging individuals and businesses of all types. Thus, adopt a proactive approach to online security using solutions like Quick Heal Total Security antivirus. Stay vigilant, stay safe!


Quick Heal

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