Latest IT Security News and Updates for the Week

As the new month kicks in, we have got some really interesting news lined up for you. One of them is about Chameleon, a computer virus that spreads like common cold. Scroll down to know more about it.


World’s biggest cyberattack compromised data including 360 million accounts and around 1.25 billion email addresses. The stolen data was put up for sale on online black market. Here’s the entire story.


There’s a new Generation of cyberattacks that can fry your computer. Read more about this here.


Woman assaulted and robbed because of wearing Google glass. Alleges that wearing glass probably threatened the privacy of the offenders. Read the entire story here.


Behold Chameleon, the computer virus that can spread via air by using compromised WiFi networks! Read about Chameleon here.


Beware of Emails from Royal Mail; they might contain the notorious malware CryptoLocker. Know more on this here.

Other News:
Student hackers sentenced to jail for changing their grades.
In the UK, two out of five victims of the CryptoLocker pay ransom to get back their encrypted file.
Businesses may have to cough up Rs1,190 crore in maintaining Windows XP post April 8.

Rajiv Singha

Rajiv Singha

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