
Card skimming alert! Man loses Rs. 87,000 after swiping his debit card at Pune-Mumbai toll plaza

This post is based on a story that featured on On September 9, 2017, a sales account…

ATM card skimming

Quick Heal will continue to support Windows Vista users

As of April 11, 2017, Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows Vista. Quick Heal, however, will continue to support…

6 Security Tips for Using Public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi works as an essential tool for people who are constantly on the move and need to…

Dear Women, Define your Online Identity Securely

Amazing women are everywhere. They have defined our past and are making our present better so that we…

The Top 10 Cybersecurity Stories of 2016

Before we take yet another step into the New Year, let’s quickly look back at the top 10…


11 Tips for Secure Cashless Transactions

In the wake of the demonetisation campaign, people are opting for cashless transactions for online banking, shopping, paying…


Security Alert! Stay Away from Pirated Software

Pirated, cracked, unauthorized or unlicensed software may be dirt cheap or come for free, but they may cost…

5 Things that Show you’re Sharing too Much Information Online

It’s easier for predatory animals (lions, wolves, bears, hawks, etc.) to hunt their preys on open grounds with…

WhatsApp to share your phone number with Facebook. Here’s how you can prevent this

The privacy policy of WhatsApp has undergone some change as of 25th August 2016. And here are 10…

Third-Party Apps becomes significant source of Malware Attacks on Android Smartphones

We love options! But smart people also love the authenticity of the options available. Most of us rely…