
Malicious QR codes threaten mobile security

How many times have you spotted a QR code and scanned it through your smartphone camera? While these…

Latest news updates from the week gone by

Rootkit developed for Android Ice Cream Sandwich A research team in North Carolina State University has highlighted a…

Threatening apps doing the rounds on Google Play

Here are a few potentially risky applications for Android that you should avoid. The first one is a…

Thinking of rooting your precious Droid? Here’s why it may not be such a good idea

The massive popularity of Android smartphones has brought several features and options of the OS to the public…

Beware: Fake Antivirus Scanner Targeting Android Users on Twitter

Social media networks are very good hunting grounds for scammers and this is another such instance of a…

Infographic: The myth about smartphone invulnerability

Contrary to popular belief, the user-programmable miniature yet powerful mobile devices used for carrying data, sending e-mails, social…

Beware: Hacked websites can now infect your Android smartphone

Our malware analysis team has discovered a malicious software that targets Android smartphones through hacked websites. This adds…

Massive Smartphone sales reveal growing security concerns

According to recent Gartner and IDC reports, the total sales of smartphones in 2011 went as high as…

How third-party apps on smartphones could breach your privacy

What makes a smartphone attractive and useful? The simple answer is the composition and number of compatible applications….

What constitutes an effective mobile security suite?

With mobile malware on the rise and with millions of people jumping onto the smartphone bandwagon, the necessity…