The decryption of CrySiS/XTBL Ransomware is now possible thanks to the recent release of its master decryption keys needed to recover the files encrypted by the ransomware. While we couldn’t guess the apparent reason behind the release, we decided to use this opportunity to help those who were affected by the ransomware.
The Quick Heal Threat Research Labs has developed a CrySiS/XTBL decryption tool (known as QH-Ransom-Decryptor) with the published keys. This tool comes for free and can be downloaded from the link mentioned below:
Download link:
QH Ransom Decryptor Tool
As of now, the decryption tool works on files affected by the below-listed ransomware families.
1. Troldesh Ransomware [.xtbl]
2. Crysis Ransomware [.CrySiS]
3. Cryptxxx Ransomware [.crypt]
4. Ninja Ransomware [$.777]
5. Apocalypse Ransomware [.encrypted]
6. Nemucod Ransomware [.crypted]
7. ODC Ransomware [.odcodc]
8. LeChiffre Ransomware [.LeChiffre]
9. Globe1 Ransomware [.hnyear]
10. Globe2 Ransomware [.blt]
11. Globe3 Ransomware [.decrypt2017]
12. DeriaLock Ransomware [.deria]
13. Opentoyou Ransomware []
14. Globe3 Ransomware [.globe & .happydayzz]
15. Troldesh Ransomware [.dharma]
16. Troldesh Ransomware [.wallet]
17. Troldesh Ransomware [.onion]
A Crysis/XTBL encryption can be identified from the below pattern of encrypted file extension:
Example – “{}.xtbl”
Instructions to use the QH-Ransom-Decryptor:
Fig1. Decrypted files will be present in the same folder along with their encrypted copies.
If you come across any difficulty in using the decryption tool, kindly give us a call on 1800-121-7377 or visit our Support Center for further assistance.
Updated as of 7th March 2017.
Has Quick Heal got decryptor for CryptXXX v.3 ransomeware ?
Hi Sachin,
Please call us on our toll-free no. 1800-121-7377 or visit to chat with us online. You can also raise a ticket at and we will get back to you at the earliest.
Good job, Quick Heal. Keep on developing decryption tools for decrypting all types of ransomware