Delhi zoo witnessed a tragic incident on Tuesday where a youth was mauled to death by a white tiger. Videos of the incident captured by onlookers have gone viral on the Internet. And as always, Internet crooks have started making good use of this incident to scam social media users, especially those on Facebook.
Reportedly, the deceased fell into the enclosure of the tiger at the Delhi zoo. Till now, two videos have been released on the Internet where the tiger is seen pawing at the 20-year-old man and after about 15 minutes dragging him away into a corner of the enclosure.
While these videos are genuine, we came across a few posts on Facebook that claim to show actual footage of the incident. These videos were titled “What had actually happened at the Delhi zoo?”, “See what the news channels are not showing you!”, etc.
Using a test account, we clicked one of these posts to see if they are genuine or not. We were taken to a fake Facebook page, where we were asked to share the video before watching it. Once we did that, we were asked to fill a survey form before we could watch the video. Even after filling up the form, we could not find any video whatsoever.
So, to cut a long story short, if you come across any social media posts or links related to the Delhi zoo incident, verify the website and the source where the video is hosted. Clicking such posts might redirect you to a fake site or drop a malware on your system. You can trust websites of popular news channels, but beware of any random posts even if they have been shared by your friend. Exercise the same practice before sharing any such posts or liking them.
Thank you quick heal to telling news.
Thanks For Providing this news.
Thanx for the warning ! can you make it a few line warninig which canbe shared on face book in groups
Thanks for the information. I totally really on quick heal total security installed in my system for this kind of nuisances played by hackers. So why worry ?
Thanking yo Quick Heal for inform and aware us
Thanks a lot to aware about such fraudulent
Thanks for sharing such a valuable information.
Thank quick heal
Thank you for informing.
This is not the only video but many more are being circulated/shared on the Face book. Just as the video ask you to share , delete and exit. This is the best policy. It can save the netizens from malware attacks and also possible criminal proceedings for sharing it.
thanks for sharing
Thank You Quick Heal for giving the news to the public .
thank you very much quick heal for this valuable information.
Thank you Quick Heal for the valuable information. You always helps users to stay away from viruses and malwares.
Thank u so much for alerting us Quick heal. I had thought the same thing, when I came across this piece of video
Great feature. I liked your idea of educating the customers about the potential threats on the net.
Thank you quick heal to telling news.
Thanks Quick heal for the post any body can be fooled with this video
Thanksfor making us beware of such thugs.
It will be a good informarion to protect our system from malware while we are using internet and surf such sites.
Thanks to you
Thanks Quick Heal for givin
g the news about facebook scam
thanx for the concern!
Quickheal should work faster because this viseo viral on Tuesday.
Thkns quickheal for this valuable information
such a useful message thnx to QHTS
Thank Q
Thank Q very much & nice app
Thank’s to you Quick heal
Thank u soooo much quick heal.
Posting of such a tragic event should be banned.People should learn to behave more responsible way…
Thanks for warning.
This is not the first time, such scam is being noticed .Often we noticed an extremely sex exciting picture or some dragon swallowing a women or such startling pictures posing as videos but when you click it ,you are asked to go some other site and share it or ask for such survey.We all should be careful because this is one way of hacking accounts.
Thank u
Yes, you are absolutely right. one such video 5 min 36 secs was posted to my facebook homepage.
thank you so much for sharing this news…I will be careful now…
Thanks Quick heal for your valuable alert
Thanks Quick heal for your valuable alert
Thanks Sir, for the awarness
This will help a lot to me from fake msgs today onwards.
Thank to quick heal.
Hats off to ur team.
Thank for information
Thankfor information to all.
Thank you so much for the post to know reality.
Thanks for warning.
This is not the first time, such scam is being noticed .Often we noticed an extremely sex exciting picture or some dragon swallowing a women or such startling pictures posing as videos but when you click it ,you are asked to go some other site and share it or ask for such survey.We all should be careful because this is one way of hacking accounts.
Thank u quick heal
Thank you … For Providing this news…
Good thanks to Quick heal team
The best security all time
Thanks for giving such a nice information.
Atul Kushwaha
Tata Consultancy Services.
thanks for warning
Thanks a lot for warning all of us.
Thanks for security…
I had experienced once such Video sent on Facebook. Same experience, I could not open and play the Video after rating, sharing and filling in etc finally dropped it. I have Quck heal installed in my Laptop. I trust Quick heal must have blocked the Malware if any installed in the above process?
Hi Uday,
Thanks for sharing your feedback. And yes, Quick Heal will keep you safe against such malware. However, you must also refrain from clicking on such links in the future.
i got this video on my watsapp, now my phone has not working, it is hanging as well as getting switched off as well restarting automatically, what to do now ? any suggestion
Hi Thakur,
Try removing the video from the video folder in your phone. If it still does not work, then please follow
Good info by quickheal,i think this is true,however fb has lots of these type of fack linked page,we shuld have beware of these.
thanks for this news
thanks to inform us.
Thanks for information to all
thanx for information
thanx a lot
Thanks Quickheal for such an important and useful news.
Thanks dude…..
really helpful…..
quick heal is best.. all the way
Thanks for the update.
Will take care and will also share the same update to friends so they should not get any problems
Thank you team
Must think before clicking a link
thank you very much for awareness you are creating……………
Thanks to inform us.
Thanx a lot I was found such type videos in FB site but didn’t share video before watch it.
thankuuuuuuuuuu forrr this videoooooooo quickkk healllllllll
Quick Heal i am very thankful to you to tell about this news but i know this news before your news because i was there on that time.
Thanks Quickheal For providing this news in detail. It is very useful news. Thank you very much
thanks for reporting…
Thanks for awaring us…..
Quick heal is one of the most trusted one..
Thanks for awaring the net users about the said scam and I also expect the same in future from time to time.
Thanks alot.
thanku sep quick heal
thanks jee
Thenx quick heal team,
4 valuable alert.
Thank You. Quick Heal Team For Protect our Mobiles. Good Job. Be no 1 compony of the world.
thank you so much
Thank’s to you Quick heal
thanks for upadets the newses.
Thanks for awairing for all
Thanx for such an important information.
thanks for quick heal team
thanking for telling me about this information
All scams take advantage of human nature and curiosity. There is so much information and events out there and there. With everyone forwarding messages and videos endlessly nowadays you can’t even be sure of the source. Minimize exposure by being in regular touch with only the handful of significant others in your life, not hundreds of “Friends” whose “friendship” is as virtual as they are! Truly, too much information and too many messages that are of no consequence just endlessly forwarded ones, are a big boon for all developers of malware.
Surf Safe all!
so sad with the boy ohh mu god।
Thanking quick heals for valuable information. Expecting same in future.
I wish to see such researches more on my Dashboard pannel. It saves our valuable time.
thanks for sharing this news to us. excepting same in future to provide such type of more news
Thank You and your Team. I hope that quick heal will protect our system from such video or else which may harm our system. Please confirm if we unknowingly click any such link whether quick heal can protect our system. Again thanks a lot.
Thanks for the information …………
Thanks a lot quick heal for this facebook scam video thank u very much
The zoo security guards & staff were not active, They can save his life but they ignored their duties. They should be suspended because there was enough time to save his life.
Thanks a lot to aware about these virus & malware effects.
Thanks for quick heal team for this news.
THANK A LOT FOR SUCH TYPE INFORMATION SO THAT THE PEOPLE MAY CAREFULL FOR ANY HARD OR DANGERIOS WORK and can learn a lesson that we should not cross our limit because in this time there is nobody to help us in danger but everyone want to save own life as the member of zoo
can quick heal safe me when I doing internet surfing??
Hi Vivek,
Quick Heal is designed to protect you from the threats on the Internet. Its features such as Web Security, Parental Control, Browser Sandbox, and Phishing Protection ensure a safe online experience. You can learn more about these features here –
Thanks a lot quickheal.
thank u qh
Thanks a lot for sharing this valuable info
Hi Tushar,
Thank you for your kind words!