Android Malware targeting users with fake Android Market website

Android malware is targeting users with a fake Android Market website URL that is nothing like the real Android Market website (

When users click on the in-app ad they are taken to something that looks like the official Google Android Market page that may appear to loom like the page that appears when an Android app is about to be downloaded. However, it’s really a website designed to look just like the Android Market and trick the users.

Once on that malicious Web page, users are prompted to download the advertised app by clicking a button that appears to be just like any download button for any Android app. The Trojan then begins to download.

The user is then prompted via a dialog screen to click a notification and then install a specific file again, a different process from installing an app from the Android Market.

Quick Heal blocks fake website as:

Downloaded malicious applications are detected by Quick Heal Mobile Security as Android.FakeNotify.B.

Anand Yadav

Anand Yadav

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