Protecting your Enterprise IT Security against Physical Threats

Whenever we talk of IT security, the first thing people look for is a security software. But what about physical intrusion? What about the physical security of the digital assets? Are they being safeguarded? Let us look what measures you must take to physically secure your network and its components.


Always be Awake
Surveillance cameras were invented for a reason. Keeping a constant watch on who goes in and out of the sensitive zones in your office, forms an important part of your IT security. Do not rely on merely the sign in and sign out logs of your employees.

Lock them All
Any miscreant who has access to your company’s servers, routers, hubs, modems, etc., can trigger irreparable damage to the entire business. One malware dropped in any of these components, can take down the entire network of the organization. So, keeping such critical components in a secure location, should be of utmost importance.

Secure Idle Machines
Secure the workstations of your employees when they are away or on vacation. Plug them out of the network, and make vacant cabins inaccessible. Unattended computers, especially those connected to the company’s network can act as the source of attack for any cyber criminal who intends to target your business.

Secure the USB Drives
Although you can avail software that can block unauthorized access to USB drives, if they are not strong enough, hackers can still bypass them. So, if you have a policy in place that disallows copying of any data from the company’s network, then simply discontinue the use of USB ports and CD drives.

Pay more attention to Laptops and small Desktops
Laptops and small desktops can be easily hidden by a miscreant, and stolen without anyone noticing it. Gaining access to even one laptop that was being used for official purpose, can open a world of opportunity to a hacker. So securing such assets becomes a no-brainer too. Instruct your employees to either carry them on their person or use appliances like security cables.

Secure the Internal Hardware as Well
A miscreant who wants to hit your business, whether an insider or an outsider, will go to any depths to do the deed. And that is why, you cannot leave things to chances. Use desktop computer cases that come with padlock slot. This will prevent anyone from stealing the hard drive or tampering with the internal hardware.

Do not Leave Computers at the Reception Unattended
The reception is a vulnerable place because it is frequented by all types of people; employees, interviewees, janitors, mailman, pizza boy, etc. So, having any computer there connected to the company’s network and not putting a proper watch on it, could become the weak spot of attack for a hacker.

Do not Brag about your Devices when Travelling
Instruct your employees to keep a low profile about their official devices when they are travelling. They must refrain from using them in public spots. But if they should, they must be on high alert against shoulder surfers – people who look over your shoulder to get information like pin codes, passwords, and other sensitive data.

Securing Backups is also critical
Keeping backups of data is one of the basic steps in data and document recovery management. But at the same time, securing such backup is also imperative. It is recommended to securely store the backup at a different location, preferably an off-site one.

Cyber criminals leave no stone unturned when they are out to hit their target organization. If they cannot encroach through the digital wall, they will try to take down the physical wall of the target. So, along with employing a secure gateway protection and end point protection, enterprises must also focus on securing their physical foothold, as well.

Rajiv Singha

Rajiv Singha


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  1. Avatar Hrushi SonarAugust 16, 2013 at 6:01 PM

    Rajib sir info of Protecting The Enterprise IT Security is really good and very use full.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Hrushi Sonar.

  2. Avatar Parmar ChaitanyaAugust 18, 2013 at 3:36 PM

    Hello Rajib Sir any Tool For Removing LNK.Exploit.Gen Kindly Sir

    • Rajiv Singha Rajiv SinghaAugust 19, 2013 at 10:46 AM

      Hi Parmar,

      Kindly contact our support team at 0-927-22-33-000. They will help you resolve the issue you are facing.

