Paypal phishing attack

I came across multiple emails in my inbox which were talking about my Paypal account being blocked. The mails had a subject line as “Your Papal account is suspended”. I immediately sensed it as phishing email. As earlier I had received emails indicating about payments that I made using Paypal which were phishing emails and after that I had been more careful when going through the email with respect to Paypal.

This email was not having my name and has started like “Dear Paypal Member”, usually it should have been addressed to me on my name. The email also had lot a warning kind of message like “Your account will be suspended” “Click here to activate your account”. I just moved my mouse pointer over the link and observed that the link is not actually taking me to the Paypal website. This confirmed that its a phishing email. The link pointed to the URL something like (http :// www.…)

I still visited the link just to see how the attacker had created the webpage. It appeared as shown below:

The above page is designed carefully to look similar as Paypal official website. Its in European local language.

I advice to all the readers that while going through the emails from bank/paypal/online financial websites please have a suspicious view at the back of your mind and look for such signs of a phishing attack. Please “Do not click” on any links in the email. Its always better to open the browser and directly type in the email address of the bank/paypal etc. whatever service you are concern of. Then visit the website. This will delay the process but will be more safe.

Paypal had a interesting tutorial on teaching to guess the phishing email correctly. Please see below webpage to have a look at the tutorial that teaches how to spot phishing.

Happy learning :-)

Sanjay Katkar

Sanjay Katkar

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