Latest IT Security News, Alerts and Updates for this Week

Your LG Smart TV might be silently spying on your TV watching habits Jason Huntley, a UK-based developer…

Cyber Crimes against India – Increasing in Leaps and Bounds

Reportedly, India happens to be the 4th most favorite target of cyber criminals when it comes to phishing…

Spot Fake Online Shops – Stay Safe from Scams

Online shopping is no more an alien concept. Nearly everyone who spends their time on the Internet, prefer…

This Week’s Latest IT Security News and Alerts

Businesses Should Gear up for Worse Cyber Attacks in 2014 Cyber predictions for the coming year may not…

Do you Delete your Files Securely?

If you suppose that deleting a file removes it completely from your computer, then you have a wrong…

Protect your Android with Quick Heal Total Security

If our readers can recall, then in an earlier post we presented a report on the top 20…

Latest IT Security News and Updates for this Week

Google to Ban Third Party Extensions for Chrome Google already has a security mechanism in place which warns…

CryptoLocker ups its Extortion Game – Launches Pricey Online Decrpytion Service

We have been keeping our readers updated about CryptoLocker – the menacing ransomware that encrypts files and demands…

Zero-day Vulnerability Hits Microsoft Office – Temporary Patch Available

Microsoft has issued a new security advisory against an exploit that hackers are using to target a zero-day…

Latest Security News and Updates from Last Week

Still Using XP? This Report May Change your Mind Windows XP will be going out of service from…