A sloppy click can exfiltrate your important data!

Phishing email still remains one of the top malware propagation medium. Recently, we came across an interesting phishing email…

New wave of Mal-Spam campaign attaching Disk Imaging Files

From past few months at Quick-Heal Labs, we have been observing a sudden rise in Spear Phishing mail…

Ako Ransomware targeting businesses using RaaS

Ako Ransomware targeting businesses using RaaS Quick Heal security researchers recently observed ransomware that uses RaaS (Ransomware as…

First Node.js-based Ransomware : Nodera

Recently while threat hunting, Quick Heal Security Labs came across an unusual Node.js framework based on Nodera ransomware….

Windows 7 reaches End of Life (EOL) – Are you ready for the risks or would you rather upgrade your OS?

14 Jan 2020 marked a huge day for Windows, as Microsoft ended support for Windows 7, the operating…

STOP (Djvu) Ransomware: Ransom For Your Shady Habits!

With almost 200 extensions, STOP (djvu) ransomware can be said to be 2019’s most active and widespread ransomware….

Security resolutions for 2020 to stay safe online!

As we are about to enter the new year, it’s ritualistic to reflect on our experiences from the…

Skills that can help kids deal with cybersecurity challenges NOW & LATER

With the growing incidences of cyber-attacks, it has become indispensable for us to prepare our kids to face…

Top Cyber-security trends affecting Windows users during 2019

The year 2019 saw several new and recurring incidences of cyber-attacks, giving enterprises sleepless nights and the general…

Cybercrime not limited to Metro cities – Wake up call for Smaller cities of India!

Cyber-attacks and cybercrimes are no more only about metro cities of India. In fact, cyber criminals are quick…