The cyber threat landscape is evolving every second, with thousands of new potential threats being detected every single…
The cyber threat landscape is evolving every second, with thousands of new potential threats being detected every single…
In today’s world data is everything, and to store and process this large amount of data, everyone started…
This is an important security advisory related to a recently patched Critical remote code execution vulnerability in Microsoft…
For several months, QH Labs has been observing an upswing in ransomware activity. We found a new ransomware which…
In wake of the growing incidences of targeted cyber-attacks on enterprises using Cryptojacking, due to its ease of…
Emotet Known for constantly changing its payload and infection vectors like spam mail, Malicious Doc and even Malicious JS…
While everyone was engaged in new year celebrations, malware authors were busy creating new ransomware for 2019. Quick…
Recently we saw a new campaign through spam mail attachment- zip file. It contains JavaScript file which delivers…
For those of you who have experienced the worst of Ransomware attacks in the form of WannaCry and…
GandCrab has been in the wild since the last week of January 2018. Over the period it kept…