
Latest news updates from the week gone by

Rootkit developed for Android Ice Cream Sandwich A research team in North Carolina State University has highlighted a…

3 Security news updates you may have missed

Malware causes printer outage and gibberish A malicious program called Milicenso afflicted printers across various offices in the…

Phishing Scam: Axis Bank

Phishing scams are commonly carried out with specially crafted emails which look a lot like legitimate ones. Anybody…

Are you the Spam – Junkie?

Isn’t the Internet just the perfect thing? You log on to your email account and viola! Your friends,…

Fake USPS emails continue

Here at Quick Heal we constantly warn Internet users about the continuous outbreaks of fake USPS email scams. We…

Rougeware “Data Recovery” through Fake USPS email

A few days backs I posted a blog regarding fake USPS (United States Postal Service) emails. Today I…

A few tricks to avoid the ‘Phishing’ trap

Phishing is a technique that scammers use to obtain personal information by posing to be from a legitimate…

RBI Phishing scam: “Important account updates as a matter of urgent”

Today I come across a fraudulent email which is exclusively designed for carrying out phishing attacks on several…

Outbreak of fake USPS emails

Attackers are extensively targeting Internet users by spreading fake USPS (United States Postal Service) emails. This time there are…

Rogueware through fake USPS email

Once again a USPS (United States Postal Service) fraudulent email is getting circulated over the Internet. The email pretends…