Cyber safety

It’s Social Media Day! Here are 10 Tips for Safe Social Networking

Social Media day was launched by the popular website Mashable back in 2010 on June 30th. For obvious…

Online Marketing Firm Under Targeted Cyber Attack

Cyber espionage campaigns are not only common with government and military organizations, but they also take private firms…

Cyber Security Challenges and Emerging Reforms in the Indian Banking Sector

The Indian banking industry has evolved majorly in the past few years owing to technological innovations. Public and…

Have a LinkedIn account? Better change your password!

Last week, popular business social networking site LinkedIn announced that over 100 million user passwords were compromised. This…

Facebook Basics: How to Easily Avoid Phishing Scams

Phishing attacks over Facebook and other social media channels are not uncommon. In fact, it is very likely…

Facebook Help Centre

Quick Heal: A “Make in India” Brand Recognized and Awarded at RSA 2016

We’re honored to announce that ICSA Labs has named Quick Heal a 2016 Excellence in Information Security Testing Award recipient….

Quick Heal Debuts at RSA 2016, San Francisco, USA

Widely recognized as the world’s largest information security event, the RSA Conference takes place in San Francisco each…

Potentially Unwanted Application (PUA) – A Digital Nuisance

This post aims to provide an insight to our readers about programs called Potentially Unwanted Applications, about what…

Security Habit to Make: Strong Passwords for Stronger Security

In continuation to the first part of Security Habits to Break and Make in 2016, this one is…

Security Habits to Break and Make in 2016

Here we are in a New Year with all new resolutions and promises. While we keep some, we…