October is earmarked as Cybersecurity Awareness month in the US in order to make internet users vigilant of the various possible cybercrimes. Today the world is connected via the internet and people practically live online with the help of facilities such as banking, mailing, shopping etc. available right at their fingertips. As the famous line from the movie Spiderman goes, ‘With great power comes great responsibility’, it is every netizen’s responsibility to ensure their safety in the cyberspace. Wondering how to do that? Keep reading to learn about the things you probably didn’t know about cybersecurity.
In 2015 there were over a million web attacks against individuals each day. Cybercriminals take advantage of lack of awareness in people about cybersecurity to make them easy targets. Nearly 75% of all legitimate websites are vulnerable to cyberattacks. As long as you’re connected to the internet you’re vulnerable to a cyberattack. Not just corporates, banks or celebrities but individuals like you and me are equally targeted by hackers.
Whether you’re a large corporate or a small business, both are equally susceptible to a cyber-attack. In fact small businesses make appealing targets for cyberattack because hackers are aware that they might not have secure systems and processes.
Security is not just the IT department’s responsibility. Every employee needs to understand the risks associated with a cyberattack and what it would mean to their employer and customers. Companies must educate employees on recognizing the signs of a breach and how to ensure the company’s overall security.
In 2015, the British insurance company Lloyd’s estimated that cyberattacks can cost companies as much as $400 billion a year; this includes the direct damage as well as the additional cost incurred to the normal functioning of the business due to the attack. In fact, most business leaders consider cyber-attack to be the biggest threat to their business. And with the rapid adoption of digital devices across the globe, a report by Juniper research suggested that cybercrime costs are projected to reach $2 Trillion by 2019.
The above figures are shocking and thus it is advisable that individuals as well as businesses take appropriate measures to safeguard their cybersecurity. A good way to start would be to invest in an antivirus software or enterprise security solution which offers multilayered security to block any security breach in your system. Ransomware attacks and malware threats are rising with every passing day thus ensure your antivirus offers protection against these as well.
Stay vigilant, avoid clicking on suspicious emails, links or websites and keep your systems updated. This cybersecurity awareness month pledge to stay cyber aware! Make a resolve to ensure your online life thrives in a safe, secure and trusted environment. To know more about the best antivirus and enterprise security solutions visit our website.
“Nearly 75% of all legitimate websites are vulnerable to cyberattacks.”
Quick Heal website [https://www.quickheal.co.in] also does not have any SSL.
Only their shopping cart is very secure.
To find out if you need an SSL certificate for your site, answer these questions:
* Is my site an e-commerce site that collects credit card information?
* Do I use a 3rd party payment processor?
* Do I have a login form?
It shows the need of Cyber Security consultant.
Very good