Archives by Date

Don’t let your kids’ online classes be disrupted by cyberattacks!

2020 will be remembered for a lot of sweeping changes and online classes are definitely on top of…

Beware of cyberattacks happening through online classes!

Stay safe from scams disguised in New Year’s Eve!

The end of a year is a time for celebration and hope. As 2020 draws to a close,…

Watch out for scams around ‘New Year’s Eve’!

Leverage Parental Control to regulate the online activity of your kids

“What are my kids doing online?” It’s a question that can give parents sleepless nights. With every generation,…

Regulate ‘Screen-Time’ of your kids with Parental Control.

Protect yourself from Fraudulent QR codes

A software engineer wanted to sell his washing machine. He placed an advertisement on an e-commerce website and…

Practice vigilance when transacting through QR codes