Malware Case Study: Kraken RAT Running Behind Bitcoins

Bitcoins have been in the news recently for various reasons and their popularity has also led to several…

6 Easy Steps to Tighten your GMail Security!

We check our Gmail account for personal emails, offers, social media updates, promotions, etc., almost every day. But,…

Be Careful While Searching for these Dangerous Keywords Online!

Going by the saying “Prevention is better than cure”, we have compiled a list of the most dangerous…

Cybercrimes in India Likely to Cross 300,000 Mark in 2015 – ASSOCHAM Study

An in-depth study has been released by ASSOCHAM-Mahindra SSG and according to this report, cyber-crime incidents in India…

Alleged Lizard Squad member arrested in the UK

The Christmas holidays were not the best times for several console gamers as Sony PlayStation Network and Microsoft…

Hacker fakes German minister’s fingerprints from HD photos

Security analysts have always believed that fingerprints are a foolproof replacement for passwords and authentication protocols. However, a…

50 Dos and Don’ts of Internet Security for the Year 2015!

This post is to say thank you to all the fans and readers of Quick Heal blog with…

Watch Out for these Online Scams of Christmas!

It’s again that time of the year when people revel in Christmas celebration and merrymaking of yet another…

Indian Businesses Lost $4 Billion Due to Cyberattacks in 2013; 2014 to be Worse

Cyberattacks in 2013 caused some major financial loses for Indian companies. According to latest reports, the losses accounted…

Credit Card Security Tips for Online Shopping

With holidays around the corner and most ecommerce sites throwing away huge offers and discounts, we have to…