28 Fake Apps removed from Google Play Store post Quick Heal Security Lab reports

Quick Heal Security Lab has spotted 28 Fake Apps with over 48,000+ (all together) installations on Google Play…

3 essential ways to strengthen your business data security

For any business big or small, business data is an asset that they cannot afford to compromise at…

Anatova, A modular ransomware

While everyone was engaged in new year celebrations, malware authors were busy creating new ransomware for 2019. Quick…

Mongolock Ransomware deletes files and targets databases

Ransomware has become one of the most dangerous cyber-attack methods because of the different techniques it uses to…

GandCrab Ransomware along with Monero Miner and Spammer

Recently we saw a new campaign through spam mail attachment- zip file. It contains JavaScript file which delivers…

Malspam email – Jack of all malware, master of none.

Malspam email or malicious spam emails are considered to be one of the favorite malware delivery channels for…

Drone Safety – Flying Tips, Policies & Regulations

Drones Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)/ Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) commonly known as drones/UAVs are unmanned aerial vehicles…

Applying Deep Learning for PE-Malware Classification

Deep Learning & Computer vision techniques are making progress in every possible field. With growing computing powers many…

Ransomware displaced by cryptojacking as the most trending cyberthreat but it is not dead yet

For those of you who have experienced the worst of Ransomware attacks in the form of WannaCry and…

Beware! Your website might be delivering Emotet malware

In 2018, we saw a surge in Emotet activity. Emotet started as a banking trojan but this blog…