Mercedes Benz promotion email scam

I recently received a mail with the subject line “Mercedes Benz Promotion (Test Questions)”. The subject line was a clear indication that a scam was in the offering. Scammers always keep changing their techniques and try to exploit scenarios that might lure people to fall for their trap.

In this scam, the scammers have tried to tempt the recipients with £ 1,850,000 (One Million Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand Great Britain Pounds). They have also tried to capitalize on the brand value of Mercedes as the subject line “Mercedes Benz Promotion (Test Questions)” can tempt most recipients of the mail to check out its contents.

Scammers have also tried to make the mail look realistic, by sympathizing with the people who lost their jobs in the recent recession, and showing their concern by offering them a reward to help ease their burdens. The mail contains three trivia-based questions on Mercedes that also adds a touch of genuineness to the mail. The recipients need to send the right answers and personal details like Name, Sex, Phone Number, Country and Occupation to a specified email address.

Please be aware that the sole purpose of such mails is to extract personal information from the recipients. Most of the time recipients, who have fallen for such traps, have ended up paying their savings to scammers.

So I would request the recipients to not trust such emails and delete them immediately. While receiving this mail, Quick Heal AntiSpam automatically filtered it as SPAM.

A copy of the entire mail follows:

Basant Sekhani

Basant Sekhani

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