Firefox 7 released!

Mozilla, a global non-profit organization dedicated to making the web better, released an update to Firefox for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Mozilla Firefox provides a speedy web browsing experience for users and has released new tools to help developers create faster websites and web apps.

Firefox manages memory more efficiently in order to deliver a nimble web browsing experience. Users will notice Firefox is faster while opening new tabs and while clicking on menu items and buttons on websites. Heavy Internet users will enjoy enhanced performance when lots of tabs are open and during long web browsing sessions that last hours or even days.

New tools in Firefox make it easier for developers to build a snappy web experience for users. A new version of hardware-accelerated Canvas speeds up HTML5 animations and games in Firefox. This allows developers to build more compelling and interactive web experiences like Angry Birds or Unfield.

Firefox now supports the W3C navigation timing spec API so developers can measure page load times and website navigation against bandwidth speed, website traffic and other factors. This API allows developers to test user experiences remotely and easily and quickly optimize websites and web apps for different types of users.

As you can see in the examples below, Firefox now hides the “https://” in website addresses:

In addition Firefox 7 fixed several ‘Critical Security Vulnerability’ issues that can be used to run attacker code or install malicious software, requiring no user interaction beyond normal browsing.

We advice all users to install these patches as soon as possible.

Vishal Dodke

Vishal Dodke

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