Cyber safety

6 Tips to Protect Your Kids from Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is defined as the use of the Internet and mobile technologies to bully, especially amongst children and…

Cyber Swachhta Kendra – A Digital India Initiative for a Secure Cyber Ecosystem

The Government of India recently launched an ambitious project called Cyber Swachhta Kendra (CSK) – a Botnet Cleaning…

6 possible signs your Android phone may be infected with a virus

According to the Annual Security Threat Report by Quick Heal, mobile ransomware has increased by 450% from Q1…

The Top 10 Cybersecurity Stories of 2016

Before we take yet another step into the New Year, let’s quickly look back at the top 10…


11 Tips for Secure Cashless Transactions

In the wake of the demonetisation campaign, people are opting for cashless transactions for online banking, shopping, paying…


5 Compelling Reasons Not to Pay Ransom to Hackers

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you would know what a ransomware is and why are computer…


Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Why cybersecurity should be taken seriously?

October is earmarked as Cybersecurity Awareness month in the US in order to make internet users vigilant of…


10 Dos and Don’ts of Internet Security on Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is observed as the Cyber Security Awareness Month. And we thought of celebrating it by sharing some…

5 Things that Show you’re Sharing too Much Information Online

It’s easier for predatory animals (lions, wolves, bears, hawks, etc.) to hunt their preys on open grounds with…

Alert! Don’t click links in SMSs received from unknown numbers

Almost every one of us receives one promotional SMS every day on our mobile phone. Some of these…