Rayapati Lakshmi Prasanna Sai

Rayapati Lakshmi Prasanna Sai

Rayapati Lakshmi Prasanna Sai is a Security Researcher at Quick Heal Security Lab. Her interests are Analysing malware and Reverse Engineering. Her previous experience is in SOC and Digital Forensics. Her hobbies include learning a new language and Journaling.

ALL Articles by Rayapati Lakshmi Prasanna Sai (1)

UAC Bypass Using CMSTP

With Ransomware attacks surging dramatically over the past year, and reports pegging it as 25% of the total…

  • By Rayapati Lakshmi Prasanna Sai
  • 2 Feb 2023
  • 7 min read
UAC (User Account Control) BYPASS USING CMSTP